OMBP has two new sculptures
PBBA members and Friends,Two new "bicycle oriented" sculptures were set up inside the Odessa Mountain Bike Park today. With the help of Midland College professor Michael Richardson and one of his students (Sawyer-Brooke Key) the sculptures were cemented in the ground near the park entrance. Several months ago, professor Richardson and I discussed the possibility asking some of his students at Midland College to create some sculptures for the park. A student named Mark Ledesma took on the task and created the two sculptures we placed at the park today. Professor Richardson is encouraging some of his students this semester to continue with the project in an effort to add more
art at the park. I wanted to share this with our club members and friends and to provide acknowledgement to Midland College and Michael Richardson for providing this artistic contribution to the park and community.Steve MitchellPBBA Mountain Bike Director